Miller is now 8 years old and had started 3rd grade. He's doing great and has lots of friends.
Here he is with one of his friends now. That's Jack.
Sophie turned 3 over the Summer. She's as cute as ever. The only problem is that she is getting feistier by the minute.
We went to a BUNCH of Jaguar games this season. We said NO! when Miller wanted to paint on his chest so we compromised with the teal hair. Even Sophie had to get in the act.
We may have over done it with the games. Cameron has picked up a few tricks and now thinks he's the kicker.
Even Uncle Chris is part of the team.
We did a lot of swimming before the pool closed.
We also learned some new dance moves. Below Sophie demonstrates Thriller.
Notice Miller on the diving board!
Aunt Carie came back into our lives....for a minute.
She put a frog on Miller's head....
Convinced Jordan to become a hair Stylist..........
And then left.........?
Okay so now everyone is up to speed. Be on the look out for Holloween updates soon.